Wherever you are today, MAKE PEACE with it. No matter what your situation. No matter how much you don’t want it.

Wherever you are today, let it be alright with you. Why?

Because what you resist, persists.

Because each time you’re saying NO to something, you’re inviting more of that into your life.

When you make peace with it, you FEEL GOOD. And when you feel good, you can choose to do something about it, if you want.

When you feel bad, you’re feeling unhappy and powerless.

Whenever you’re feeling  good, you’re also ALLOWING MORE GOOD into your life.

Yes! Because the better you feel, the more good things and experiences you ATTRACT.

Whenever you’re feeling bad, you’re STUCK. You can’t attract good things to you. You’re holding yourself back.

Acceptance of the situation allows you to take your POWER back, instead of letting the situation take power away from you.

Once you feel good again, ask yourself:


Shift your full attention to what you WANT and focus on that!

Always remember – whatever you FOCUS on, you’re DRAWING more of that INTO YOUR LIFE.

What you focus on expands.

Wherever you are today is alright. It’s okay.