How good are you at following your INSPIRATION?

Have you noticed that every time you GET INSPIRED to do something and then you do it, that it always FEELS GOOD? Let’s say you get inspired to call someone and then you pick up the phone and call this person, and afterwards you just feel like you’ve had a most amazing conversation and you feel on top of the world?

Well, this is what INSPIRATION feels like. It comes to us as a sensation, a desire, an idea or a nudge. It can be strong or subtle. And if we choose to ACT UPON IT, we always end up feeling joyful, happy, excited, in flow… We feel great and it feels like we’re on the right track.

Why is it so? It’s because inspiration comes from infinite intelligence or our HIGHER SELF. It comes from the part of us that’s far more wise than our mind. It’s our INNER GUIDANCE. It knows what’s right and best for us in every situation and always guides us towards things that are FOR OUR HIGHEST AND GREATEST GOOD.

Unfortunately, most of us are not so good at following our inspiration. We may get a great idea and get very excited. And then, after a while or next morning we just forget all about it or let go of this idea because it doesn’t seem realistic, or we don’t believe it can be possible for us. We feel  inspired for a moment and then we’re back to our daily routine…

Things must MAKE SENSE to us. We rely on LOGIC. We make plans and follow them. We motivate and discipline ourselves. And if we can see that we’re not moving forward as fast as we want to, we start judging ourselves and feel guilty for not being good enough or not doing enough. And we often end up pushing even harder…

And it’s such a pity! Because if we were better to FOLLOW OUR INSPIRATION, we’d not only move towards our goals much FASTER and EASIER. We’d also move forward in the way that’s BEST FOR EACH OF US and brings us most joy.

If you study any leader in the personal development field, all of them are telling about how important it’s to listen to your inspiration and take INSPIRED ACTION when it comes to achieving your goals or dreams. If you truly want to succeed, you’ve got to follow your INSPIRATION. When you are CLEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT, you’ll receive nudges and ideas about what to do and YOU’VE GOT TO ACT UPON THEM.

It’s the INSPIRED ACTION that will take you to what you want in the EASIEST and MOST EFFORTLESS and BEST WAY FOR YOU.

Get into the habit of NOTICING when you get inspired and then ACT UPON your inspiration! Don’t question it. TRUST it. 

Let INSPIRATION be your guide and see your life change!