Let Yourself Dream Big!
2025 is just around the corner! It’s time to set goals for the New Year and the future. It’s time to DREAM! What is your DREAM? What would you most of all love to BE, DO and HAVE in your future? If everything was possible? If you could have it exactly the way you want...
So What Have You Decided?
Are you a type of person who tends to hesitate too much and overthink things? Do you maybe keep ruminating too often on past events and experiences? Here's the thing: You've got to make up your mind to DECIDE more often! When I say this, I do not necessarily mean that...
What You Want Wants You!
What you WANT wants YOU. The Universe is always on your side! Yes, the Universe wants YOU to have whatever you want. But you've got to move out of your own way... Here's the thing: Whenever you’re doubting yourself, or overthinking, or feeling impatient, you're...
Make Peace With Where You Are
Wherever you are today, MAKE PEACE with it. No matter what your situation. No matter how much you don’t want it. Wherever you are today, let it be alright with you. Why? Because what you resist, persists. Because each time you're saying NO to something, you’re...
You Don’t Attract What You Want!
You don’t attract WHAT YOU WANT. "Really?.." Yes! Because you attract WHAT YOU ARE. What you ARE is what you FEEL. What you FEEL is what you ATTRACT. Worry attracts more worry. Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness. Fear attract more fear. In the same way, happiness...