Do you follow your INSPIRATION?
When you get an idea that simply feels incredibly good, or when you suddenly feel a strong desire to do something – do you act on it?
I don´t know how about you, but I’ve discovered again and again that whenever I choose to FOLLOW MY INSPIRATION, I never regret!
Let´s say I haven’t been talking to someone for a long time, and I suddenly FEEL that I want to get in touch with this person. I call the person or send a message – and we end up having a most pleasant and uplifting conversation filled with understanding, ease and fun. Afterwards I feel so happy that I ACTED ON MY INSPIRATION.
INSPIRATION can come to us as a sensation, an idea or a nudge. It can be strong or subtle. When we choose to ACT ON IT, we usually end up feeling great, happy, excited. We feel that we’re on the right track!
WHY is it so? It’s because INSPIRATION comes from infinite intelligence or our HIGHER SELF. It arises from the part of us that is far more WISE than our logical mind.
Inspiration is our INNER GUIDANCE. It knows what’s right and best for us in every situation. It guides us always towards things that are FOR OUR HIGHEST AND GREATEST GOOD.
Here’s the truth:
- If you want to live your BEST LIFE filled with joy, success and abundance, you´ve got to become really good at becoming aware of and ACTING ON YOUR INSPIRATION!
If we got better at FOLLOWING OUR INSPIRATION, we’d not only move towards our goals much FASTER and EASIER. We’d also move forward in the way that is BEST FOR EACH OF US and that will bring us most joy.
The Universe wants us to succeed. We’re here to live our best life. Whenever we truly want something, we’ll absolutely receive inspiration from our higher self about what to do. Never dismiss the signs you get!
You can surely move forward and achieve a lot by just taking ACTION. But nothing is going to help you reach your desires and goals easier and faster than ACTION THAT YOU ARE INSPIRED TO TAKE.
Sometimes the ideas and thoughts you’ll receive won’t necessarily make sense to you, as you won’t be able to understand logically why you got such an idea, or you won´t be able to see how this idea relates to your goal. Choose to follow your INSPIRATION anyway – don’t overthink it! Trust it.
Most people are unfortunately not good at following their inspiration. They rely more on their logic and reasoning. It has taken me time to learn to trust inspiration that I constantly get, and I can definitely still become better at it.
So here´s my advice to you:
- When you get INSPIRATION, don’t question yourself, don´t overthink, don’t doubt. Follow it and TAKE INSPIRED ACTION!
TRUST that your inspiration is here to help you succeed and live your best life!
Let INSPIRATION be your guide!