Imagine yourself in a boat on a river.

You’re sitting in a boat holding oars in both hands. THE STREAM of the river is moving fast. But instead of going with the stream, you’re PADDLING AGAINST the stream. You’re using all your efforts to move forward. You get more and more tired…

It doesn’t even occur to you that if you just could let go of the oars, your boat would easily move with the flow…

This is what we so often do when we’re trying to reach our GOALS AND DESIRES. Instead of going with the flow, we’re going UPSTREAM. We get tired. Sometimes we get so tired and frustrated that things aren’t going our way that we lose hope and decide to quit.

Here’s the thing:


The truth is that if we only ALLOWED ourselves to GO WITH THE STREAM, the stream would take us where we want to get. Without struggle.

We’ve got to move out of our way and ALLOW our goals and desires to manifest. The LAW of ALLOWING is one of the powerful universal laws that we need to know and master if we want to get what we want and create a life we love living!

The problem is that most people seldom allow themselves to go with the stream. Isn’t it interesting? They push, they struggle, they get overwhelmed, they complain. And when going gets tough, they start losing hope.

Instead of getting back into the flow, they continue paddling upstream or even quit.


You get back into the flow WHEN YOU:

  • Choose thoughts that make you FEEL good again
  • Every day look for things to be GRATEFUL for
  • TRUST that things will come to you in their own best time
  • Give yourself time to REST and do things that make your soul happy
  • CELEBRATE each step you take instead of looking at how long you still have to go
  • Keep dreaming and imagining your DESIRES come true

You know that you’re back IN THE FLOW when you FEEL GOOD!

Yes! Whenever you FEEL GOOD, you’re ALLOWING what you want to come to you. You move forward with EASE.

Your EMOTIONS will always tell you if you’re paddling UPSTREAM or going DOWNSTREAM. Your emotions are your guidance system.

Your path towards your goals was never meant to be a STRUGGLE.

Surely you have to stay in the game and keep taking action. But the action that you take has to FEEL GOOD to you and you’ve got to ENJOY the journey.

Nothing is more important than that you FEEL GOOD. When you move forward feeling good, you’re GOING WITH THE FLOW, and there’s no way that you’ll want to quit. You’ll reach your destination. That’s for sure.

Let’s say YES to moving forward with ease!

Your amazing future is waiting for you.

Keep moving. With ease. Keep going with the flow!