A few years ago I came across a video on YouTube where Wayne Dyer was sharing a story about how he was invited to give an interview at a well-known radio station. The radio station was undergoing structural changes and the interview happened to take place on the same day as a large number of the radio staff got to know that they’d have to leave their jobs. Wayne Dyer saw upset and depressed people walking around and some of them approached him telling how awful and desperate they were feeling. Some of them had been at this company for more than twenty years and now they were let go. I could never forget this story because of Wayne Dyer’s response to them. You know what he told them?
As the employees were looking back at him with both surprise and confusion, Wayne Dyer told them that they within a certain amount of time would be at a PLACE THAT IS MUCH BETTER than where they were now…”What would you really love to be doing? What is your dream?” he asked them as he continued talking.….
For me this story is one of the most beautiful stories about the power of our PERSPECTIVE. The POWER TO CHOOSE WHAT WE THINK and how we react to what happens to us.
When we’re suddenly faced with bigger challenges and obstacles in our life, we often tend to think thoughts like:
WHAT IF I won’t get a new job soon?
WHAT IF I never regain my confidence and trust in myself?
WHAT IF they won’t think I’m qualified and competent enough?
WHAT IF I’ll end up using all my savings and won’t be able to pay my bills?
Thoughts like these seem to gain momentum of their own and we paint FUTURE with dark colors and with no place for joy and hope for the better. We feel worried, scared, doubtful.
And as these thoughts are running in our mind, we can hardly remember that we’ve actually got a CHOICE. We seem to have completely forgotten that we have the POWER TO CHOOSE OUR THOUGHTS AND OUR ATTITUDE.
So how about that we just stop, take a deep breath and CHOOSE different:
WHAT IF it’s the beginning of something new, exciting and amazing?
WHAT IF it’s actually a perfect time for change, even if I didn’t plan it?
WHAT IF my next job is much better than I could ever imagine?
WHAT IF this situation is for my Higher Good and I’ll be grateful in the end that this happened?
Can you see how completely different you FEEL now and how the picture of the FUTURE suddenly has become much brighter and exciting?
The truth is that it’s always UP TO US what THOUGHTS WE CHOOSE TO THINK about what happened. It’s UP TO US to CHOOSE OUR ATTITUDE and decide what words will follow after the WHAT IF. It’s UP TO US to choose thoughts that either will point to the FUTURE with more joy and hope and success or the FUTURE with worry and doubt and insecurity.
Our ATTITUDE is our CHOICE. Always. Also when we’re facing bigger challenges like a job loss and when we’re filled with doubt and uncertainty and fear.
And it’s not the same as saying that it’s always easy to make this choice. For it can be difficult to choose our thoughts when we don’t know what’s waiting us. And yet what we ALWAYS CAN DO is to stop and REMIND OURSELSVES OF THIS POWER. THE POWER TO CHOOSE OUR ATTITUDE. And then move forward from here.
And the truth is that it’s nothing else but your ATTITUDE that in the end will determine how FAST and EASY you’ll come out on the other side.
It’s your PERSPECTIVE that will decide how soon you’ll find yourself at a new place. A MUCH BETTER PLACE.
Have you lost your job?
WHAT IF it’s the beginning of something new and exciting and amazing?
WHAT IF much better things are on the way?..