Are you often LACKING TIME? Do you feel that there’s never enough time for all you need and want to accomplish? Is your to-do list driving you crazy? 

If that’s the case, you’re at the right place! You’re about to discover how you can EASILY MAKE MORE TIME for yourself!

You’ve probably heard that in order to change anything in your outer reality, you need first and foremost to look inside yourself. When you CHANGE ON THE INSIDE, then things on YOUR OUTSIDE will change too.

The same is true of time! If you want to CREATE MORE TIME in your life, you’ve got first and foremost to start with YOURSELF.

So let’s go ahead and create more time, shall we? 

One of the universal laws that is always operating in our lives is THE LAW OF POLARITY. This Law states that there’re 2 poles or 2 OPPOSITES of the same thing.

Here are some examples of polarity: LOVE-HATE, COLD-WARM, WHITE-BLACK, GOOD-BAD etc.

A good way to illustrate the Law of Polarity is by using a STICK. Imagine that you’re holding a stick in your hands. On one end of the stick there’s HATE, while on the other end of the stick there’s LOVE. On one end of the stick there’s  GOOD, while on the other end there’s BAD. Can you see this? 

Now let’s look at TIME. There’s LACK OF TIME on one end of the stick, but there’s also ABUNDANCE OF TIME on the other end of the stick.

When you say and feel that YOU DON’T HAVE TIME, you’re focused on ONE END of the stick: the LACK Of TIME. You’re in lack and you believe that there’s not enough time. 

And when you believe that there’s not enough time, you’ll inevitably experience the lack of time in your reality. Because what you BELIEVE is also what you manifest.

So what do you think you need to do in order to make more time for yourself? You need to SHIFT YOUR FOCUS to the other end of the stick! Instead of focusing on the LACK OF TIME, you need to focus on the ABUNDANCE OF TIME!

Here’s how you make a shift from the LACK OF TIME (one end of the stick) to the ABUNDANCE OF TIME (the other end of the stick):

  • Whenever you NOTICE that you tell yourself that there’s NOT ENOUGH TIME, simply pause, take a deep breath and say to yourself the opposite, for example:

           “I’ve got all the time I need.”

            “I have always enough time.”

            “I have an abundance of time.”

Go ahead and try this for yourself! Can you see and FEEL the difference? 

When you begin saying to yourself that you have LOTS OF TIME, you’ll also start experiencing MORE TIME in your life. Because what you say and believe is what you create. How cool is that?

Isn’t it awesome to know that if there’s LACK OF TIME, there’s also ABUNDANCE OF TIME?

It all depends on which side of the stick you choose to FOCUS on! Choose to focus on ABUNDANCE!