Your Problem is also your Opportunity.

However, when we face a problem, we most often can’t see the OPPORTUNITY because we’re fully FOCUSED ON THE PROBLEM.

The Coronavirus downtime has locked many of us inside our homes and deprived our daily lives of many things we no longer can do. It has made us uncertain and insecure about things we didn’t question before. It has slowed down or cancelled our plans and projects. It has made our lives uncomfortable.

Now let’s try to SHIFT OUR FOCUS FROM THE PROBLEM for a while and see if we can find any UPSIDES with this situation.

WHAT IF there are also upsides with this downtime?

What if the current downtime is a perfect break for you from the daily rush and stress so that you can SLOW DOWN, REST and RESET?

What if the downtime has given you time to stop and reflect about if what you’re doing, day in and day out, is truly what you WANT TO CONTINUE TO DO?

What if you now have time for things YOU’VE LONG BEEN WANTING TO DO but never had time for before? 

What if the extra time you have now has made you realize how much you actually enjoy being STILL and being IN YOUR OWN COMPANY?

What if the downtime has given you space to think and get clear about WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT for you and what you mostly would LOVE to happen IN YOUR FUTURE?

What if this time has made you APPRECIATE all the little things in your life that you’ve been taking for granted?…

The Coronavirus Downtime will end.

What person do you want to come out of this downtime?

What person do you want to be in 1 year?

How can use this downtime to become the person you mostly want to be?

You can CHOOSE to see the current downtime as your PROBLEM. As the big OBSTACLE that has crossed your way. The obstacle you never expected nor planned for. You can FOCUS ON all that you no longer know and no longer can. You can come out of this downtime the same person you were before or even more discouraged or pessimistic because this happened to you.

But you can also CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON all the upsides of this unplanned pause. You can see the downtime as your OPPORTUNITY. An opportunity to rest, reflect and reset. An opportunity to listen to yourself and make some new decisions or set some new goals. An opportunity to refocus and get clear about what’s most important for you and where you’re going and who you want to be. You can come out of this downtime a different person than you were before. A BETTER YOU.

It’s your CHOICE.

How is the Downtime your OPPORTUNITY?