Your problem is also your OPPORTUNITY.

The challenge is, however, that you often cannot see the OPPORTUNITY  because your FOCUS  is fully ON THE PROBLEM.

Your problem can be that you feel very stuck in your current job situation. Your energy level is low, you feel exhausted, stressed and worried. Deep inside you are longing for more time, more ease, more appreciation for your efforts. The things that once were interesting and exciting no longer bring you joy. You show up and do what needs to be done because you have to. You have perhaps sent a few applications for another job but it has not given any results. Or you have even started thinking that other jobs must be like this, so why bother changing anything. You are tired but you are also afraid of change. You keep showing up and doing the things that you deep inside want to be free from.

So let’s now shift the focus. HOW IS THIS PROBLEM YOUR OPPORTUNITY?

The truth is that your situation is a perfect place for you to start finding out what job really will make you happy and bring you meaning and joy you are longing for. It is a great possibility to start asking yourself what is MOST IMPORTANT FOR YOU IN YOUR JOB and YOUR LIFE. It is an opportunity to look at your skills and talents and passions and ask yourself how you want to use them in the best possible way, both for yourself and for others. It is a unique possibility for you to STEP BACK INTO YOUR POWER and start doing things that give you purpose and value and joy. To live the life where you get up every day with energy and positive expectation. The life where you show up not because you have to but because you want to and care and love what you do.

Good news is that there are lots of things you can START DOING NOW in order to shift your situation. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WAIT until you have landed a new job or got invited to a job interview or until  next holiday or whatever else you keep telling yourself that you need. Here is a few things you can start doing today (not to mention many others):

  • Start imagining that you are already working in your dream job. How does it look like? What are you doing? What environment are you in? As you imagine all the details, allow yourself to FEEL how it would feel for you to be in this job.
  • Ask yourself what brings you joy in your daily life and make it a habit to do these things or some of them on daily basis. It can be anything – your favourite TV program, a song or a book you love, your favourite meal or a restaurant or an exercise. The keyword here – to FEEL good!
  • Surround yourself as much as possible with people who make you feel good, get you and lift you up.
  • Focus on what a successful person you are. Each evening find 5 successes – 5 things that you think you were successful at during your day. A good idea is to write them down in your Success journal.
  • Take it EASY.Try not to take yourself and your situation too seriously. Set an intention every morning that you are going to have a nice day full of flow and positive experiences.

As you start doing all these things, you will instantly raise your mood and your energy which will put you in a GOOD FEELING PLACE. This is the place you want to be and move forward from! When you FEEL GOOD, your circumstances will start shifting. Because your outer reality is always a reflection of your inner reality. As inside, so outside.

If you are in a position to do it, it is also a great idea to seek a life coach or mentor who can support you in making the shift from where you are to where you want to be. A good coach can bring the very best in you and help you make the shift and create what you want much faster and easier.

Your problem is also your OPPORTUNITY.